Legacy Gifts
Leaving a gift to Hospice Niagara directly or through your will, ensures your legacy lives on in the care and compassion provided for people and families.
It is one way for you to make the best use of your assets, take advantage of available tax credits and create a charitable gift for today and for the future.
We encourage you to speak with your legal and financial advisors when considering making a legacy gift. Your advisors can help you determine the most suitable gift that will meet your financial and philanthropic goals.
Talk with us about how your legacy gift can help with our mission.
In fact, it’s good for everyone to plan for tomorrow. If you would like more information on estate planning, have a look at our Estate Planning Guide.
For more information on leaving a legacy gift to Hospice Niagara, please contact us at 905-984-8766 or lastinglegacy@hospiceniagara.ca

A charitable bequest will distribute your estate gift to Hospice Niagara through your will. Your gift can be in the form of a fixed amount or a percentage of assets from a settled estate.

There are many ways to leave a gift through your life insurance. Two options are:
Name Hospice Niagara as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary and receive an annual tax receipt for the full value of the premium.
Name Hospice Niagara as beneficiary and continue to own the policy, in which case your estate will benefit from a charitable receipt.

You can transfer your shares of publicly traded securities directly to Hospice Niagara and may not pay tax on your gain. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the market value of the securities on the day of settlement.

One of the most tax effective ways to leave a legacy gift is by naming Hospice Niagara as a partial or full beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF. A charitable receipt can be issued for your estate.

Leaving even a small portion of your estate (Will) to charity can result in a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible, while still supporting your loved ones. Your legacy lives on in the care and compassion provided for people and families. Consider leaving a gift from your Will...