Volunteers are exceptional people who take time out of their busy lives to help others. They are the heart and soul of Hospice Niagara.
The most prized characteristics of a hospice volunteer are flexibility, compassion, a sense of humour and the ability to listen. No medical background or experience is necessary.
A volunteer’s role is not to fix, solve, mend or heal. A volunteer can journey with a person and their family, supporting them along the way. Volunteer with us and share the warmth of kindness.

There are many different ways to share your time and talents at Hospice Niagara. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities, including support and companionship for clients, administrative office support, grounds and building maintenance, and help with fundraising events.
Completion of a training program is required for anyone volunteering with hospice clients.
Welcome Volunteer Greet visitors when they arrive, and answer questions in person and over the phone, providing a positive and helpful experience.
Residence Volunteer Help the care team support people while they are living at the hospice in St. Catharines. Volunteers help with meal preparation, provide comfort and assist with day-to-day activities, and emotional support.
Community Volunteer Provide non-medical support, offering time and companionship to people in their home. Activities might include playing cards, going for a walk, or driving a client to a Hospice Niagara Wellness program.
Fundraising Volunteer We are always looking for an extra hand or two for our fundraising efforts. You can help by spreading the word about our campaign over the phone or your social networks, or by assisting at an event.
Bereavement Volunteer Provide non-clinical support, offering time and peer support to individuals ages 6 and up in peer support groups, walks and hikes, in their homes, or over the phone support.
Yes, we offer a comprehensive online and in-class volunteer training program for everyone who works directly with clients. Specialized training for peer support facilitators and grief volunteers is also available.
As you think more about volunteering at Hospice Niagara, please also consider;
- Your interest in the philosophy of hospice palliative care and your desire to help others.
- Why you are drawn to hospice work and if you are ready to explore this in depth.
- Your sensitivity to the unique needs of people near death and their families.
- What losses you have experienced in life and how you grieve. What is your perspective on life and death, loss and grief?
- If you’ve experienced the death of a significant person in your life within the past year, consider your ability to commit to a demanding training program that could potentially intensify your own grief.
- Sometimes, being a volunteer at Hospice Niagara is stressful. Do you have a good support system, ways of taking care of yourself, and a nature that allows you to greet change and the unexpected with ease?
- How you would listen to people for extended periods of time.
- Are you open to others who have different values, beliefs, and ways of living? Can you listen well and validate the thoughts and experiences of others where they are, rather than where you think they should be?
- A realistic awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses, and your ability to set limits is important. You may be asked to volunteer in a variety of areas, and perform many different tasks. Self-reliance, flexibility and being adaptable are assets.
- Respect the client’s and family’s right to privacy.
- Obey strict confidentiality.
- Uphold the objectives of Hospice Niagara.
- Refrain from offering any medical advice related to treatments or care plans, which must always remain the client’s and family’s decision.
- Be regular, reliable, and consistent.
- Be patient and calm regardless of how difficult a situation may become.
- Be aware of your own personal beliefs related to faith, life or culture. Never try to impose your beliefs on clients or family members.
- Avoid judging clients or family members.
- Be aware of your own limitations, strengths and weaknesses.
- Be willing to accept help from other members of the hospice staff or care team.
- Always do your volunteer work to the best of your ability.
- Offer only what you can sustain, within the boundaries of your role and your own limitations.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please fill out the Volunteer Application Form below.
Completion of a training program is required for anyone volunteering with hospice clients.
Should you require further information, call 905-984-8766 or email us at info@hospiceniagara.ca.
Hospice Niagara is committed to providing a rewarding experience for our volunteers and an exceptional level of service for our clients. Volunteers are screened at the highest level and provided with outstanding training to prepare them for their roles and get them connected to their community.